How is religious life expressed by the members of The Companions of St. Luke?
We are a contemplative Benedictine community. Religious life is a particular form of Christian living, which is characterized by a degree of separation from worldly concerns, common celebration of the Divine Office, a measure of silence, individual prayer, and private reading of Sacred Scripture. Our prayer life prepares us to practice various ministries in our church communities.
Do The Companions of St. Luke have an abbey or religious house?
No. The members are spiritually cloistered; by that we mean that by praying the Divine Office (the four daily services of the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer), allowing time for meditation, the study of the Bible, and religious scholars, members spiritually step away from the expectations of the world. So, each member is carrying the monastery in his or her heart.

When the community comes together in convocation twice a year, how long is it and where do you meet? How do members travel to the site?
Our convocations are held at the Roman Catholic Benedictine monastery, Conception Abbey, in Conception, MO. Most fly to Kansas City and we offer transportation to and from the airport and the Abbey. Convocation runs for a week, beginning on Monday afternoon and ending Saturday morning.
How do members stay in touch with each other between convocations?
Many of our members stay in touch with each other via email and text. Members also share pictures and articles or reflections on our Facebook page. A community-wide list-serve account is also used to share ideas, prayer requests, and thanksgiving. Video conferencing helps us stay connected through book study groups, broadcasting of special events and meetings, and communal prayer.
How are decisions made within the community? Is there a liaison to The Episcopal Church?
Guidance and leadership of The Companions of St. Luke is provided by our community’s superior (who provides administrative and spiritual leadership), together with appointed and elected members (the Council) and our core documents that include the Rule of Benedict and the community’s Constitution and Customary (nature of community and expected practices). In addition, as a Christian community recognized by The Episcopal Church, The Companions of St. Luke has a bishop visitor who serves as a key bridge between our community and the greater church.
What resources are there to support the activities of The Companions of St. Luke?
The Companions of St. Luke is dependent on the initiative of all members to contribute to the development of a nurturing community and to achieve shared interests. It is a goal that all members will support, and be supported by, the community’s efforts to manifest Benedictine principles and spirituality through their prayers, talents, and financial resources in a manner that balances their individual financial obligations and personal growth needs with the needs of the community and care for God’s creation. Annual member pledges are not considered as membership dues but as thankofferings for God’s generosity in bringing us together to love and serve Christ in all.

How does a married person balance two vowed professions?
Benedictine Vows (Stability, Obedience, and Fidelity to Monastic Life) do not ‘eclipse’ the marriage vows. In fact, the Benedictine vows can strengthen the marriage vows. For Benedictines, Stability calls us into stable relationships with Christ and with all persons, especially with our partners or spouses. Obedience calls us to listen and respond in love, and Fidelity to Monastic Life calls us to move away from the diversions and temptations of the culture and the world.
What do The Companions of St. Luke require of the partner or spouse?
We require no commitment from the partner or spouse. However, we strongly encourage the spouse or partner to support the member as (s)he walks the narrow path to Christ. This requires regular and meaningful communications between family members to be successful.
I feel I have a call to a religious life. How do I explore this feeling?
If you have a spouse or partner, begin by talking about it with him/her. Talk to your parish priest or pastor. It is strongly suggested that you find and work with a spiritual director to further explore your call. To assist you further, we provide a list of books at Readings on Religious Life on “Our Offering” page of this site. These are available from such sources as Amazon.
Do I need to fully confirm my call before applying for membership to the Companions of St. Luke?
No. The application process and our formation program are designed to help you discern your call.
What are the basic requirements to become a member of The Companions of St. Luke?
- Be baptized with water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- Be 21 years of age or older.
- For professed life, be an active member of an Episcopal Church in the U.S., or an Anglican church that is in communion with the See of Canterbury.
- For Oblation, be an active member of any Christian church.
How do I begin the process to apply for membership in The Companions of St. Luke?
Contact us at Cslinquire24@comcast.net to begin the process for membership. You will be contacted by the Superior or a senior member for an initial interview. After this conversation, an application can be sent to you upon request. Note: if you don’t receive a reply to your inquiry after a couple of days, check your spam/junk folder before writing to us again.
We offer initial interviews and send out applications anytime. A senior member will work with each inquirer in their discernment process and with their application. Applications and supporting materials are to be submitted after December 1 each year and received before March 15th the following year.
Learn about Benedictine Professed Life
Learn about Benedictine Oblation
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